We revitalize old Dutch forests and plant new trees.

Planting new trees plays a crucial role in efforts to improve the climate.
Trees naturally offset carbon emissions through photosynthesis, absorbing carbon dioxide
from the atmosphere and storing it as carbon in the soil.New trees also help increase biodiversity
and protect groundwater.
Why we plant new trees?
Spell invests in Dutch nutrient-poor soils and agricultural lands.
For instance, old coniferous forests that have dried out due to climate change are replaced with native oak forests.
The foundation aims to enhance biodiversity through ecological management, fostering nature development and forest creation.
At the same time, it contributes to CO2 capture and a better, greener living environment for current and future generations.
We enrich nutrient-poor soil to support the growth of oak trees.
It is our environmental mission to secure the future.

Co2 storage in wood and soil
Our furniture wood is carefully selected and only sourced from sustainably managed forests.
After harvesting wood for industrial furniture purposes—not for combustion—the CO2 remains stored in the wood.
This CO2 storage is maintained as long as the wood remains in use as a product.Trees benefit the climate by absorbing CO2 from the air and enriching the soil and biodiversity. Therefore, Spell strongly focuses on preserving forests and planting new ones that can absorb elevated carbon levels in the atmosphere.

How does it works
As consumers, every purchase we make is an opportunity to change the world for the better. We hold the power to create change.
The same applies to producers and manufacturers: every improvement along the chain, from sourcing sustainably harvested wood to reducing waste in our workshop, can make a measurable difference.
In our workshop, we use certified wood from responsible sources.
Since most of our products are made of solid wood, we aim to give
back to nature.
Therefore, we plant trees in collaboration with environmental organizations.
This is why we have partnered with Carboom™.
Carboom™ is a Dutch sustainability initiative working with businesses and individuals to plant trees for long-term carbon sequestration and protect forests to restore ecological balance.
[“Carbon sequestration” refers to the process of capturing, securing, and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.]
Founded by tree planters, they use their networks to develop projects and mobilize resources to plant areas that would otherwise remain barren.
Each of their reforestation projects is a carefully planned process that includes selecting tree species, bushes, and undergrowth to maintain biodiversity.
Their mission, values, and approach drew us in immediately.
Our very first forest

Spell is committed to making better choices to reduce our environmental footprint and giving back to our broader community.
Since forests are a critical part of the solution to the climate crisis
and natural wood is our core raw material, forest management was
the perfect place to begin.
It is important to us that this occurs locally in the Netherlands,
where you can see the results with your own eyes.
Spell is official Carboom partner, contributing to reforestation efforts
in the Netherlands.

Vitalizing forests
We contribute by planting new trees.
In 2023, we acquired a forest in Limburg (Kronenberg).
The planting is conducted in collaboration with reputable partners, with specific coordinates of the planting sites recorded.
Trees absorb CO2, benefiting our ecosystem and aiding the fight against global warming.
Planting trees helps improve air quality, climate conditions and enhances wildlife and insect habitats.
Trees absorb CO2, especially as they grow. In fact, trees can store carbon for several hundred years when used in construction or furniture.
"By actively reforesting, prevents premature cutting and speed up the recovery process, build climate-resilient forests, assist in carbon removal and help restore biodiversity."
How much forest have we planted and revitalized in the Netherlands?
m2 of forest is revitalized and counting
that accounts for
kg of CO2 saved after 2 years

Revitalization prevents premature felling, which means that approximately 500,000 kg of CO2
x 7 ha = 3,500,000 kg remains in storage for longer.
An additional 7 x 9000 kg = 45,000 kg of CO2 is captured annually.

Forest projects completed
Large trees
Low trees
Low shrubs and
ground covers
When craft meets innovation
Respect for raw materials
Innovation can emerge from repurposing, remaking, and revealing what was already there, albeit in a new form.
It is the craftsman’s eye that sees new possibilities where others see only dead ends.
We think every day with the intention to create something conceptually or visually unprecedented.